It's The Complete Cheat Sheet For Ghost Immobiliser Car
Ghost Immobiliser Cars A ghost immobiliser car is an advanced security device that shields your vehicle from hacking and key cloning. It is unnoticeable and leaves no marks after installation, making it a popular choice for owners of rare or expensive cars. It uses buttons on your steering wheel, centre console and door panels to generate an unique pin code sequence (up to 20 characters) which must be entered before the engine can begin. There aren't any keyfobs or LEDs or other indicators that can help you find it. Ghost immobilisers protect your vehicle from key cloning and hacking. It is a discreet electronic device that connects to your vehicle's data network and intercepts signals from your engine control unit (ECU). The system stops your car's engine from starting until you enter a specific PIN code. It makes sure that thieves don't get away with your joy and pride. The device is connected to the CAN Bus in your vehicle and can to intercept data from the ECU of your vehicle and the other components connected. Its installation is a highly specialised procedure that requires skilled installation, and should only be completed by a certified installer. Once it is installed, the device will be hidden inside your vehicle which makes it unnoticeable to thieves. It can detect vibrations and also the movement of components and vehicle components. If a criminal attempts to disable the device, the engine management lights will flash quickly and the horn will sound. This alerts the driver that there is something wrong in the engine, prompting them to panic and leave the vehicle. This is a great alternative to an immobiliser since the owner of the vehicle will be able to call the authorities right away should the vehicle be in danger. The device can be disabled by using an app that is accessible to the owner and installer (even even though it's unlikely anyone would forget their PIN code!). Some systems include a service/valet option that will temporarily disable the immobiliser and allow a trusted driver to drive the vehicle without the need for a PIN. The system will be activated when the vehicle reaches 31 mph and has driven for a specific period of time. There is ghost immobiliser problems or wireless connectivities This means it cannot be detected by the modern thieves who use diagnostics to find an unconnected circuit or hidden immobiliser. It's undetectable as it does not make use of radio signals. This makes it a powerful deterrent against vehicle theft. You can also activate the GHOST's features specific to vehicles like anti-hijack or gearbox locks to prevent the engine from starting in a particular gear. Our approved installers can fit the GHOST to a wide variety of vehicles. It is fully compatible with all Mercedes vehicles. GHOST is unlike other products available on market because it works with the existing interfaces of your vehicle, for example buttons on the steering wheel, door card on the driver's side, or the centre console. It is a stealth immobiliser for the 21st century. It works independently of your factory installed alarm or tracker. The Ghost can be deactivated by entering a secret sequence of buttons using the driver's smartphone application. It's easy to do and is possible to do it anywhere in the world. You can alter the sequence as often as you want – it is only visible to the app's owner. It's also possible to disable the GHOST from the satnav in your vehicle by entering a different sequence, which makes it more secure as a deterrent against thieves. In fact this method is so efficient that a Bentley Bentayga worth PS200k was recently stolen at the lights in a parking lot while it sat stationary and the driver entered in their PIN to deactivate the device. No annual subscriptions Ghost is a more advanced immobiliser that combats the various methods employed by thieves to steal cars. For instance, it can detect signal jamming, device spoofing, and other methods that make the theft of your vehicle more difficult. The device requires an individual pin code or code sequence in order to start the car. This discourages thieves and allows your vehicle to be left in peace. This makes it a useful tool for cars with high-end features which are more susceptible of being stolen. Therefore, you will enjoy greater security and increase the value of your vehicle. Moreover installing the Ghost Immobiliser could reduce your car insurance premiums. While the device costs more than traditional immobilisers, the peace of mind it offers is worth the cost. Ghost does not require an annual subscription. It connects to your phone via low-energy bluetooth. This creates a secure connection between your phone and the immobiliser, which makes it virtually impossible for criminals to penetrate. In addition, there aren't LED indications to give away the location of the device. The Autowatch Ghost car immobiliser is simple to install and remove. Its “service valet mode” allows you to turn off the immobiliser while taking your car for service or MOT'd. Enter the PIN code once you return to your car. The Autowatch Ghost can also be used with newer cars that do not come with an immobiliser in the factory. This means that it can be used on cars after you sell your old one, provided the new vehicle is compatible. There is no need to memorize the PIN code A ghost immobiliser car is an additional layer of protection that stops thieves who are tech-savvy from starting your vehicle, even if they've cloned your key fob or stolen it. It connects to your vehicle's control area network (CAN) system and shuts off the engine if you press the start button without entering a PIN sequence first. There's no new keypad installed but instead, it makes use of buttons that are in your vehicle, such as the steering wheel, door panels or the centre console. This means that it's not only undetectable to thieves, but it also preserves the look of your car's interior. The Autowatch Ghost 2 immobiliser is an electronic device that integrates with your car's ECU to create an impossible wall for thieves to break through. It operates silently and emits no radio signals, so it's completely inaccessible to the traditional RFID scanning technology that is that thieves use to steal the signal from your key fob and copy it. It is a TASSA-verified product, which means that it has been tested independently to the highest standards. Some insurance companies see this as an important feature for your vehicle's safety. If you are required to hand your vehicle over to valet parking, service or a friend can drive it on your behalf, the ghost CAN immobiliser can be turned on to 'Service/Valet mode'. You can switch this mode using the unique pin code that is only accessible to you, and it can be changed at any time. The manual that was included with the Ghost will guide you through this quick and simple process. It will provide instructions on how to enter the code and how to reset it in case you forget. Easy to reset Since its introduction, ghost immobiliser vehicles have been the top choice in the field of vehicle security. Through the use of undetectable positioning as well as communication with CANBus to ECU technology and a unique pin code entry, it's been able to remain one step ahead of most determined thieves. In contrast to other immobiliser systems, it doesn't require an ignition key or other wireless connectivities to function. It can also be removed from your vehicle if you decide to sell it. As with any security measure or password it's normal that you'll forget the PIN code for your ghost immobiliser. If this happens, don't be concerned as it's easy to reset. All you need to do is call the person who installed your system, and they'll provide you with an emergency number. This is usually hidden beneath a scratch-off section on a card that was given at the time of installation, and it's important to keep this in a secure location. The Emergency Code allows you to gain access to your vehicle to drive it in the normal way. This is a great option for situations where you have to hand over your vehicle to someone who is able to provide service or valet parking. It is also a good option if you want to ensure that your car is safe when you are away from it, so that no one other person can start the engine. You might want to consider adding a Ghost Immobiliser from Autowatch, one of the top brands in the UK. For more information contact Autowatch today.